Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Urology Appointment

Hi everyone!!!!!!!!

We had an awesome day today in Seattle! Today was our follow up with the Urologist! We started out the day by having an ultra sound and a renal scan done. Keian did not like either of them. The probe from the ultra sound scared the little guy, but by the end he was laughing because it tickled.

The renal scan was scary for poor Keian. First they put an IV in him. They poked him the first time only for his vein to collapse and they couldn't use that site. They poked him a second time got the darn thing all ready to tape down only to find it was an artery and not a vein.They pulled it out. The poor young nurse said to me I'm sorry I can't take doing this to your little guy I need to leave. She had to be only about 24 years old at the oldest. She left in tears. Poor nurse didn't have the heart to poke Keian any more. Luckily on of the veins in Keian's head was really good so they called in the IV team and in seconds they had the thing all done up and ready to go. Keian was screaming the entire time this was going on and when it was over he collapsed in my arms to sleep until we moved to the next room. Now if anyone of you hasn't yet heard Keian scream its kind of a pathetic little screech that sounds like a cross between a mouse and chicken. Not really loud but you can tell he's not taking things well.
We got into our little room and as soon as I put Keian down in the cradle he started freaking out. When he freaks out he pulls his limbs in and tightens everything up. Since we wanted his lower half fairly straight I had to hold his head in my arms and lay my head next to his talking to him gently. Poor guy just wanted to watch a movie so they put on Baby Einstein for him which he watched 3 times quietly until the scan was complete.

The results were:

His one normal Kidney is nice and strong!!! No problems.

The one on his left side is a nub. The entire left side of his renal system is underdeveloped. There should be sphincters in the tubes that prevent the urine in his bladder from going back up the tube to his kidneys. He does not have these. This puts Keian at risk for kidney infections. If the nub is functional we need to have it removed If it is not functional Keian can get off antibiotics and not have to have another surgery.

Keian will not have to have that surgery because ......IT'S NOT FUNCTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!