Friday, September 28, 2007

We had a doctor appointment today. Keian has gained nearly two pounds since his surgery!!! He really is starting to fill out his little cheeks. Even the doctor was amazed at how good he looks. We finally have the ok to start bringing him out in public more since most of the worry is gone of him getting colds. This means we finally get to start going to church together as a family again!!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Keian is doing very well! He is also teething! We have finally got one tooth almost through! Its just a matter of time before he will have a full set of chompers. Today was a great day to get out of the house. After putting Jessica on the bus we walked to Albertsons to get a few things. There we saw Karen McDonald and got to visit for a little while. We also got to show off a little for the employees who have all heard a lot about Keian but have yet to see him. It is nice getting out and we are going to try and do it a little more often.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Keian is doing great!!! I added some photos of him from the hospital. Check out how many tubes and cords are comming out of him. Most of them are hidden and can't be seen.

Monday, September 17, 2007

We are coming home tomorrow!!!!! Yeah!!!! Keian is doing wonderfully and only on tylenol with codeine for pain. He can take that by mouth so we are able to go home. Today we have an appointment with Urology that was scheduled previous to surgery.
It looks like Uncle Jared (my brother) is going to take us home tomorrow. He decided to take Aunt Lonnelle on a little vacation to his house and is going down just in time for us to catch a ride. It will be a much nicer ride than going in the Medstar Van which made me car sick the way the kid drove.
I was hoping to post some new pictures however my computer and camera are not cooperating. So I gave up until I get home!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I just had the worst scare of my life! Nothing bad happened but none the less scary. Here is the story. So I just had gotten back from using the bathroom and went over to Keians bed. I looked down and see this large pool of blood next to his head! He had pulled out his IV, which they had put in his scalp. I quickly grabbed some gauze they have sitting here and called the nurses. Everything was ok and Keian was fine. It really wasn't that much blood it just looked like a lot since the blankets had soaked it all up. I never want to see that again though. My heart can't take all the excitement.
Keian is doing really well. He is still on a morphine drip and we are trying to get a bowl movement out of him. He was given a laxative this morning and hoepfully it will be working soon. I'm sure he will feel a lot better once he's had one. He is in good spirits though. He's been spitting at the nurses and doctors every time they come to see him. That little trick was taught to him by his dad when he was in the hospital last. You just can't leave dads alone with the kids!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Last night was pretty bad for poor Keian. He was up every two hours screaming. Mainly because ever time the nurses came into to do vital checks he's get mad. They ended up giving him more pain meds. I of course did not get much sleep either. Everytime he would scream he wouldn't stop and I had to get up and calm him down. That's ok though because thats what mothers are for.
The doctors were in and told me that they are starting him on food this morining. We are starting on Pedialyte and if its tolerated we will get formula. Lucky for him the NG-tube goes into the intestine instead of the stomach and it will bypass all of the surgery site and give it a chance to heal before we use the G-tube.
So far everything is going great other than his pain not seeming to be completely under control. It may just be his cranky though and doesn't want to be bugged. Then when he drops his pacifier he really gets mad since that is his only comfort item right now.

Friday, September 14, 2007

So far so good. Keian is doing great so far. He is still in a little pain tonight. He keeps waking up and lets out a few screams. The nurse is contacting pain management services for us as he can't have more morphine and its another 2 hours until he can have more tylenol. He's a trooper though. They have him hooked up to all sorts of stuff tonight. An IV with fluids and a morphine drip, the heart monitor, oxegen status monitor. Then he has his gtube draining stomach acid and the NG-tube still in because the Gtube is not usable for a week. SO he looks like a mess. Hopefully he will start eating tomorrow through his NG-tube and then we can get rid of the IV. I think they will keep the IV for the duration of our stay. So that will be another machine to be hooked up on. Well time for bed. I really need some sleep.

So far so good! Keian has been back there for an hour and a half. I'm not as emotional of a wreck as I thought I would be. I think it's due to my brother messing with all the nurses around here. One nurse asked if there was anything she could do to make us more comfortable. He answered yeah can you rub my feet. We all had a good laugh over that one. He's been a great help to me to stay calm. I'm doing well and trying to keep busy checking my emails and all that. So more to come later tonight.

Ok 5 1/2 hours and counting! I'm up early. I haven't been able to sleep the past couple days. I think Satan is trying to break me because I have had one obstacle after another the past couple days. I am tired and I am scared! Who wouldn't be though right? I mean they are cutting into my baby. I don't think I have ever felt this scared in my life other than when I was 9 and I thought there was a vampire in my closet, but that doesn't count. It helps knowing my brother Jared is meeting me up at the hospital. I don't think I would make it through without the support from him today. It is very humbling and very hard to realize to let the Lord's will be done. Letting everything go and saying its up to you, Father. I leave this in your hands. This is the first time I've actually knelt in prayer in 3 years because of pain in my knees. I think it means so much more to me and I start to realize what Jesus did for me and my son. How he suffered for us. Thank you all for the help you've given us over the past few months. I am so thankful for a loving ward who honestly shows concern and wants to help as much as possible. I'm glad that they are not there just because it should be done but because they have such love in their hearts for my family. I make a promise to all that have helped me that one day I will repay your loving kindness by passing on the same love and concern and help to someone else.

One day and counting! We are almost ready to go. We almost had another hospitalization last night. Keain went to the hospital by ambulance for non stop throwing up and getting some in his lungs. The ER doctor didn't see it necessary to admit him since he was going to go to have surgery on Friday and we want to keep him well. The hospital is not the place to be because there is an increase risk for colds. His chest x-ray looked good last night and I was told to watch him closely for the next 48 hours until he goes in for surgery. I'm sure he will be just fine. Wish us luck it is going to be a long few days in the hospital. I will have my laptop and will update on Keian's progress during that time. Hopefully I will also be able to get a few pictures downloaded also while I am there.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The big day is getting closer and closer. I of course am geting more and more nervous. I am glad my brother Jared is comming to the hospital to be with me during surgery. I of course would be just one big mess and talking over the internet to anyone that would listen if it were not for him. I have been through surgery myself and have always thought oh no big deal! However when it is your own child a huge monkey wrench is being thrown into the pot. The what ifs keep creeping in my head and its all I can do to not dwell in them. People tell me I am the strongest person they know. I don't think I am that strong. I do what I have to do to survive and to take care of my children. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life over the years. Some of you know and some of you would be surprised but it all comes down to one thing. That thing is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am trying and that is what counts. I am doing what I can and relying on him because that is what big brothers are there for. I am glad I have had the trials I have had. I am glad I never sat back and decided not to test my limits and grow like others do and end up having a midlife crisis. (I got mine over by 25) I sometimes wish I could do it all over again. There are only a few things I would change.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Keian is back from the hospital. He is doing fine! He's even gaining weight again with the new tube they gave him. I'm sure we will see a huge difference after surgery.
Lee started his second job this week so we are pretty much all alone for the next couple months. We miss him already but we need the money and the job is pretty easy. He's just on call all evening.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Keian is in the hospital again! We had a new tube put in that was supposed to keep him from throwing up. The tube is almost the same as before it just has a weight at the end so it will move into the upper intestine. We were hoping that this would keep the stomach from getting full and Keian would be at lower risk for aspiration. It looks like this is just no the case.
Last night around 4 pm Keian I was giving Keian a sponge bath and getting ready for an outing later that night. My mom, uncle, older sister Lisa and brother Jared all were in town. This was the first time we had gotten the entire family together in a few years. I had just finished bathing Keian and he had on only a diaper. Without any warning what so ever Keian starting throwing up. This time it was just stomach acid. The worst part was that he definitely aspirated again. Once while he threw up he also inhaled at the same time. His lungs sounded horrible and I called his doctor while suctioning him out and keeping his air way clear. She wanted me to bring him in once he stopped and I was able to give him a breathing treatment. However he wasn't stopping throwing up. I didn't trust taking him in the car since he needed to be in a car seat and his doctors office was across town. So I called for an ambulance to take him to the emergency room. Once he got a breathing treatment at the hospital he sounded so much better.
So he is staying over the weekend. The doctors don't want to release him until he definitely is keeping things down since he now is throwing up without warning. At least when there was stuff in his stomach he started gurgling and I could tell he would have a problem if I didn't do something. I'm at the point that I want the surgery pushed through if he doesn't develop any problems with the lungs. My biggest worry is that he is going to get pneumonia before he gets the chance to have surgery. I will discuss this with the doctor once we know there will be no problems. May be it might be the best thing for Keian.