Saturday, August 2, 2008


I am stressed! EVERYTHING seems to be piling up. My house, homework, phone calls, laundry! I don't know how I am going to get through the next month.

First off Keian's surgery is still on for August 13th. Dr. White decided not to take any time off work for the time being. Second we have been trying to go throught the house to get rid of junk we just don't need. Third I have a quarter ending and a bunch of work to do. Fourth we need to start fundraising for a vehical. My van is starting to have problems and I'm afraid we may be putting a band aid on broken bone.

On top of everything my doctor has put me on a new medication for depression and anxiety. It works better for me however I need a higher dose and can't increase for another week. On the upside of things I seem to have way more energy to do what I need to.

I'm starting to feel overwelmed. I need an assistant! Anyone want a job that pays next to nothing? I didn't think so!